Words on the page, words in the air, this concludes our 2020 summer series of This. Life. Now. I leave you with the gift of 5 of my prose poems. So we’ve been around the sun now with coming to understand how the Universe does have our back. Relationships where the heart and hearth is built from the beautiful self-home infrastructure. Purposeful practices at the intersection between us and the sacred spaces we inhabit. Becoming the innovative leader who sits at the table right so seniors can see you on fire with agility, re-pivot, and relaunch of the rocketship. Correcting a young man at a party that “This is a women’s college, not a girls’ school” and the classroom a place of competing not against each other but systems of ideas within the dominant hegemonies; an uncommon woman. A hologram doctor laughing at the assumption that technology is trying to replace the human. A ball aimed at 40 feet landing 30 because the wind teaches us why we need to be unrealistic in achieving our goals. A collective of dancers organically transforming movements from one shape to the next as a whole body across space. Warrior snake that sheds the skin of what no longer serves us for healing and inner strength. This is just the surface of the keystones I’ve written over the last four years. Words are just pointed; they can’t be definitive. So then, my words as sketches, traces, of the whole. Like sheet music, not the actual music itself, they are guides to what will play out and that’s why we call them the notes. These are my last notes for this summer for This. Life. Now.
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