Whether you’re an artist, an entrepreneur, as aspiring one or the other, or anyone with a desire to create, this podcast is here to normalize that inner critical voice that tells you you’re not good enough, and to give you the tools and inspiration to move through it and get back to creating cool stuff.
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Jess Grippo is a dancer, performance artist, author, and creative coach. After leaving the classical ballet path and not dancing for years, she started making her own dance videos, alone in her room. While that habit continues, she’s also added quite a few others: starting up an inclusive, creative dance community online and in NYC (You Can Dance Again), making comedic interpretive dances about her dating life and the menstrual cycle (Hungry Ovaries), writing a book and video series (Dance With This Book), and supporting others in their creative, expressive unfolding through her coaching practice. Her work has been featured at TEDxNYU, Lincoln Center's Dance On Camera Festival, the New York Comedy Club, The Vagina Monologues opening act, and more. Her puppy Lucy is her only boss and she frequently daydreams of moving into the loft from Flashdance.