It’s Friday August 2nd. Welcome to This Week In Podcasting where we discuss this week's podcasting news and tips, all in under 10 minutes. This episode is provided by, the Smartest way to Podcast. Let’s get started.
This week we discuss, it’s lonely listening to podcasts in the UK, put another shrimp on the podcast, the 3 E’s of podcasting and the top random podcasting thought of the week.
According to the MIDAS Audio survey, 92% of the UK respondents said they listen to a podcast alone. Of these, 45% said they listen to a podcast at home while 21% said they listen at work or a place of study. In the same survey, smartphones are the preferred device for listening at 65% of the listening hours and 71% of Podcast listeners listen to the whole episode while 65% listen to mostly all of the episodes they download.
According to the Edison Infinate Dial report for Australia 2019, as well as with commentary from Courtney Carthy, there will be an estimated 780 million podcast episodes downloaded in Australia in 2019. With that number of downloads in a year, the gross revenue in Australia’s podcast ad market would be $15.6 million. Compared to the US, this is relatively small but the audio consumption in Australia is growing rapidly and over the next few years the podcast ad revenue in Australia is expected to grow by an annual compounded growth rate of 86%.
Matty Staudt, wrote a Medium post entitled, “The Three E’s of Podcating.” In it, he writes that people love podcasts so much because of three things, empathy, education and entertainment. In it he writes,
“Great podcasts evoke empathy. More than any other medium, podcasts generate shared experiences and emotions. When a person listens to a moving podcast, they are transported to the world that the creator paints for them with their words.” For education, he says, “ Podcasts are great teachers. When a person gets done listening to an amazing podcast, they leave a little more informed. They can also find out more about a brand through the stories their favorite podcasts tell.” and for entertainment he states, “At the end of the day, podcasts have to entertain listeners. They should be fun and groundbreaking in their sound. Entertaining both hardcore listeners and newbies is vital for the growth and overall reach of a podcast.”
It’s that time for the random podcasting thought of the week. We recently asked ourselves the following question, What is the future of Search Engine Optimization?