This is the introductory lesson to a series of lessons that Moshe Feldenkrais, the founder of the Feldenkrais Method, taught in 1972 to a small group of psychologists, therapists and body workers at the Esalen Institute, the beating heart of the Human Potential movement.
The lessons represent a wide range of human functioning and Moshe's knowledge and skill if often on show as he guides people through 42 different lessons of varying degree of difficulty. I cannot do justice to the original lessons, and am not trying to copy them word for word.
I offer my own take on each lesson which benefits from my own experience with the Feldenkrais method over the last 8 years and over 20 years of experience in other movement practices, that have greatly influenced the depth of my understanding.
Some general statements and advice:
The Feldenkrais Method is a learning modality, rather than a form of exercise.
The movement sequences create the right conditions for each person to learn about themselves through movement.
This provides a clear route for making improvements in our own life, so that we can live in a way that feels right.
Try to learn through gentle observations and kindness rather than by forcing yourself to change aggressively.
Rest as much as you need during the class. I will instruct the whole class to rest at different intervals, but if you need to rest before that please do.
It is completely acceptable to imagine a movement instead of doing it, especially if that movement is causing pain.
Your nervous system will not take on board movements learnt through pain, instead it will try to protect you from doing it again by forgetting it.
Have fun! Play! Explore! Get it wrong! Get it right! And don't worry if it's wrong or right! We learn through experience!
"Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of movement and we improve the quality of life itself."