So no-one told you life was gonna be this way...
There's soooooo many things you can get involved in! Events, tournaments, games, all the things!
Among the usual rubbish we chat:
Paint A Story - A TCG Paint EventGoldcrush Blood BowlWarpMaster Warmaster RevolutionsThoughtless Bowl 6Shout out to WarFaster Revolutions for some epic Warmaster video content
Check out the new and improved TCG website
Wanna chat blood bowl? Maybe other games? We have a Discord.
TCG are now on Patreon! Give us all your money please and thank you.
TCG on Twitch. It's what all the cool kids are doing.
Wear us. As a hat. The spreadshirt TCG shop
Want even more than we can show while the kids are awake? Only Fans is here