Wwwhat's up swingaz? From the TBHQ in the grizzly lands of Wisconsin, welcome to Thrall's Balls episode 171!
Mixed Drink of the Week - Woolly (Halion-Ruby Sanctum)
Setting the scene: Imagine it's 2010. Ruby Sanctum has released and your guild 1-shot it a few days ago because that fight was a joke. However, the idea of facing off against a twilight dragon was really cool and has been on your mind. So, it's Saturday. You're at a party. There's a counter full of liquor, mixers, and you brought some...extracurricular plants with you. What do you mix up?
-1 shot vodka
-half sprite
-half pink lemonade
-optional: smoke up alongside it OR drop a gummy in it, swallow the gummy at the end of the drink)
Next week: Nefarian's End, Blackwing Descent [Cataclysm] (Johnnie)
Undead Nefarian!
WoW News
Holly Longdale
Player Housing
Reven Pack
Enchanted Sweeper Bundle
1. In which raid do we face off against Leotheras the Blind? (SSC)
2. What year did Mists of Pandaria launch? (2012)
3. In the Demon Hunter starting experience, you eventually have to side with one prominent DH over the other. This happens when tensions boil to the surface and the two of them start physically fighting. What are their names? (Kayn Sunfury and Altruis the Sufferer)
4. During the Mag'har Orc allied race unlock questline, you visit alternate Draenor 30 years after the events of WOD. Who is the Mag'har Warchief in this world? (Grom Hellscream)
5. What is the official name of the mount we call the evil fishy? For reference, it is the same model as the skyriding goldfish-looking mount. It was in the trading post a couple months ago. (Underlight Corrupted Behemoth)
6. How do you get the Fallen Charger mount? (From a rare elite NPC in the Maw)
7. In Vanilla, what city had a mysterious instance portal in it, set behind a portcullis? (Stormwind)
7a, bonus point: What was that for? (John Staats on the Countdown to Classic podcast said it had been for an early idea for player housing)
8. In Vanilla, who was the final boss of Ragefire Chasm? (Bazzalan)
9. What is the title awarded to Warriors through their Legion Class Hall campaign? (Battlelord)
10. There is a green wolf mount available from WoD content. What is the name of this mount? (Infernal Direwolf)
Final thoughts?
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Bye we love you be good!