Today’s interview is something I have been waiting to release with a lot of excitement. What if you were able to call a highly skilled homeopath any time of the day and night to help you alleviate an acute illness crisis? This is not a dream, but actual reality. Our guest today will tell you all about her newest service hub SWIFT that allows you to do just that.
No more urgent care visits and sleepless nights! (I am serious about it!)
Her name is Clare Gregory, a Registered Homeopath, and this is what she tells us about herself:
As far back as I can remember I’ve witnessed close family members struggle with ill health and taking conventional medicines to help, I’ve watched them having to deal with
the inevitable side effects which led to them taking more medication and therefore more side effects. Believing that there is a more natural way to heal our bodies, I actively sort out alternative and complimentary therapies for my own use.
I have used Reflexology, Acupuncture and Reiki to assist with my own health issues over the years before being introduced to Homeopathy which myself and my family have now used for the past 16 years.
A welcome change in personal circumstances led me to the perfect opportunity to study this wonderful subject and here I am, a Registered Homeopath, with a BSc (Hons) in Homeopathy - looking forward to helping others on their individual healing journey.
You can learn about SWIFT the homeopathic service Clare created that we will be talking about today and book your appointment at
Here are some topics we talked about to wet your appetite:
How do homeopaths treat acute versus chroniccases? What should a patient know about
this subject?
When is Homeopathy most effective and why?
For people who never experienced the benefits of Homeopathy, what is the best way to try it out? Howcan one ease into Homeopathy without having to jump full on?
How does Homeopathy differ from other holistic methods of healing? Is it different from Naturopathy?
What is fast prescribing? How is it different from constitutional/ chronic prescribing?
What you should know about Homeopathy and its principles that will help you to benefit from the treatment fully.
How to prepare to receive the best outcome from anappointment with a Homeopath.
What is SWIFT. Why was it created it and what needsdoes it fulfill?
Clare’s for Homeopathy and Healthcare in the next decade. What can we do now to improve the current state of healthcare?
Now you might be wondering if homeopathy can be a answer to your health issues… and how to go about starting.
If you would like to get some help and have your questions answered, reach out via my free Hot Line. You can
schedule a call at
And if you enjoyed the show, please subscribe on your favorite podcast platform and visit our YouTube channel @thriveinyourbodywithhomeopathy. See you soon!