This episode of the Thriving Children Podcast is a game changer. I chat with Bruce McLachlan, Principal of Swanson School in New Zealand. It's a setting also known as 'the school with no rules' (in the playground that is).
Listen in to find out:
What recess and lunchtime actually look like at Swanson
How 'free play' has unfolded over the years (including the response of parents and teachers in the early days)
What yard duty now looks like
How creating freedom in children's playtime has lead to less bullying and more focus in the classroom
The first steps for others in removing ridiculous rules.
My favourite quote from this episode: "We've stopped trusting children".
Links for this episode:
No Rules School documentary on SBS
Swanson School Website - Free Play
Project Play at Swanson School (article by Bruce)
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