Sunday, November 29th, is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent means coming. Church historians tell us this word comes to us in English via Latin and originating in Greek. They think that in the earliest centuries of the Christian Church, Advent was a time when people prepared for baptism and the second coming of Christ. Later on, it changed and was connected to the first coming of Christ as a baby in Bethlehem.
During this time of waiting for the coming of Jesus, we’re going to focus in on some major themes in scripture that help us understand why Jesus came, how necessary his coming was, and what difference his Advent makes to our lives today. As you use your advent devo book Come Let Us Adore Him, you will see these themes and others developed as we read together through the month of December. If you don’t have this book, contact us and we’d be glad to provide you with a copy. Not too late!
Our hope is that this series is a blessing to all ages. Whether in person or at home, we want everyone to see they have a place in our services. To do that, we will have different readers and Advent candle lighters. Also, we're going to incorporate short videos made in our homes, sharing something what you are doing at home to celebrate Jesus' coming together.
This Sunday we consider the promises of God. Join us in worshipping our perfect promise keep
Intro Music by "The Gray Havens"
Song: "Three Birds of Babylon Instrumental"