Jesus is greater than Moses … or anyone else!
Series: Greater than - Hebrews - part 2
Date preached: 8th December 2024
TIDE Church is a diverse community of people on a mission to follow the teaching and life of Jesus. We are a Christian church based in Adelaide, Australia who are sharing the good news of Jesus with people everywhere.
Today’s message …
Nothing gets people arguing like a discussion about who is the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time). 2000 years ago someone wrote a message to convince people that Jesus is the GOAT. That message was so powerful for those who heard it that they copied it and shared it - and the people who heard it copied it and shared it, and today that message still lives … we call it the book of “Hebrews” in our Bibles. In this series we unpack this ancient message from start to finish, asking ourselves what this ancient message has to say to us in the 21st century about who really is the GOAT.
Questions to reflect on and discuss from this message:
1. “Things were better in the old days”. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?
2. What is one thing that really stuck out to you in this message?
3. There are all kinds of voices in our world that say “follow me and I’ll give you the good life”. What are some of those voices that you hear in your life?
4. How does (or could) this invitation to enter “God’s rest” change your life?
If you’ve got questions or want to connect, we’d love to hear from you.
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