District 98 Presents - ⭐️Toast2Success⭐️
A series of mind boggling leadership Podcast, designed to inspire, educate, and empower future leaders.
In the debut episode, we are joined by:
Program Quality Director (2024-25) Neha, DTM
Club Growth Director (2024-25) Sanjan, DTM.
Excited to learn about this duo beyond the office roles?
Let’s spend some quality time up-close and personal, as they Spill the TEA ☕️, One Sip at a Time.
Caution: you might be Amazed!
Join our Podcasters - Toastmaster Akarshak, and Toastmaster Meenakshi as they engage in candid conversations 🎙️, banter 🗣️, mild gossips 🤫, and so much more. 👀