Welcome to our Generation Action podcast, Together We Fight For All. We will be talking about topics such as safe sex, dating, contraception and everyone's favorite, the patriarchy. In this episode, we invited Troy Gaston to talk about his experiences with male privilege and how he thinks masculinity has affected his life. Stay tuned for episodes bi-weekly. We can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and of course, Anchor!
We may also be recording some bonus episodes for this season, so please send in any topics that you want us to cover!
Like our cover photo? The wonderful Louise Nillas from the University of Texas at Dallas commissioned it just for us. Want to see more of her work? Find her at the links below:
Instagram Accounts:
Art: @babeyblou
Personal: @lounillas
For any inquiries contact us at:
Follow us on Instagram: @rugenaction
Disclaimer: our thoughts and opinions are our own and does not reflect Planned Parenthood or the Youth Action Fund.