Tommy G Talks - Episode 144: Do Kids Need To Feel Failure? (The Importance of Youth Participation in Sport)
“Kids need to learn how to lose…and sport gives them that lesson.”
As Chairman of The Jamie G Sporting Trust, I am always championing the importance of participation in sport for young people under the age of 18.
Sport can expose us to and teach us so much at an early age.
I believe that it is essential for children to understand that they don't always win.
It’s beneficial to a young person to know that they can and will fail. That things won’t always go to plan.
Within the safe frameworks of sport, this allows for resilience to be built and the ability to look inside.
To notice how they feel about certain outcomes when they don't go they hoped/intended, and then what steps/actions/practice needs to be done in order to improve.
To learn that we can only ever control and account for our own efforts.
Because it’s actually not about winning and losing as such…it’s more about self improvement, skill progression, expression, teamwork, dealing with pressure and building discipline. To feel good about it. To enjoy the experience, and to develop self belief.
A valuable lesson indeed.
We also have the more obvious benefits such as the physical and mental health advantages and the social relationships and skill development too.
Participantion is on the decline. We must recognise the value and increase our effort and energy to ensure these lessons are being learned through schools, clubs and organisations.
By creating safe spaces for self expression, not hinging everything on the W/L outcome, but instead the lessons learned from “the taking part”.
As adults, parents, coaches…what can we do to improve? How can we set a better example?
How can we help to facilitate more positive exposure to sport at a young age?
Let me know and share your thoughst via Instagram