Before I get into my five tips to designing the ultimate nursery, I have to say i’m delighted to be back and humbled by all the emails I got over the past few months.
Yes I’ve been MIA for the past few months because life got super busy with my twins who just turned a year not to long ago. When they hit around 8 months life went on fast forward with them, work got super busy and now finally life has come back to somewhat of a steady state phew!!
Thanks to all who actually wrote to me asking to continue my podcast, its surreal to see that our audience actually want me to produce more high quality content. So i’m back again with my next podcast and its dedicated to those that are soon to be parents or new parents thinking about designing their nursery. So here are all the tips that I can possibly share with you.
When my wife and I found out that we were having twins, it was an amazing feeling. It really started to hit home when it came time to designing the nursery. Sure there were some mistakes we made but we learned quickly.
Here are my Five Tips to Designing the Ultimate Nursery
* You would be surprised with how much sorting you need to do with a newborn from clothes to onesies, diapers, bibs, wipes, jackets, hats…i can go on and on. It’s very important to keep things sorted for babies. We designed our closet keeping in mind we have twins. We delegated the left side to our son and right side to our daughter. We learned quickly the need to split uppers from lowers because your baby may spit up just about anywhere. The middle columns were used for diapers and wipes
To the left of this part of the closet I designed a few shelves and drawers for bibs, onesies, socks, hats and baskets for toys.
In case you little one decides to enter the room, you have to make the closet baby proof. I used soft clothes drawers, rounded all my edges and corners and installed locks on the inside of all drawers. So planning when designing your closet is key.
2. Safety of children is obviously top priority when designing a living space for them. When it comes to safety window blinds come to mind as a potential hazard for your child. According to Consumer Product Safety Commission that they have seen a case at least once a month where a child has been hanged to death spanning decades through window blind chords. When we purchased the house we had window blinds with chords but were quick to replace them with cordless thermal blinds. First it not only eliminates the threat of strangulation but also acts to keep warm air in during the cold season and vice versa during the summer.
3. A product that I swear by is called Angelcare. This product essentially monitors your baby’s breathing and if your baby for some unknown reason stop breathing it will alert you. It works by placing a sensor pad under the mattress. I will warn you when your baby is tiny they may move to one end of the bed and off the pad which will trigger it. But to be honest i’d rather a negative reading every now and then vs something happening to my children. Definitely a worth while investment
4. In addition to providing a safe environment for your baby, you should also provide a comfortable place for them. For that reason i’ve installed a humidity sensor and temperature sensor. The temp sensor is connected my Nest thermostat so if it goes too low or high, my nest will trigger. We also have a whole home humidifier so I can adjust accordingly as well. If you don’t have a whole home humidifier, no problem you can pick up a standalone unit from your local store that sells baby gear. Here is one that I know a friend...