TTT #12
This episode of Giving Up On Drain Repair stars your favorite handywomen, Josh Jak and Bee Lion. This home repair discussion involves Bee trying to figure out what in the Dickens he is doing wrong with his attempts at cleaning his shower drain. Josh provides a suggestion of something for Bee to try. While the suggestion itself doesn't make sense to him, it does get the gears turning. Will Bee get this crap figured out by the next episode, or will he retreat like the worthless, unskilled hack he thinks he is? We won't know until next episode. They also have a meaningful discussion about the line between the desire to problem-solve for its own sake versus doing it to impress others. It's the show your dad will be proud of you for listening to. It's Tools Talking Tools with Josh Jak and Bee Lion!
Available from iTunes, Google Play Music, Pocket Casts and your finer podcast establishments.