We are wrapping up the school year and the end is in sight, so the last thing on your mind is professional development. In our experience, someone can mention professional development and a lot of people roll their eyes. We believe that educators have been forced into professional developments that are not applicable to them, aren’t presented well, and sometimes are just plain boring. We sat down together to discuss what we think professional development ought to be and what we wish it was.
Top Tenn Tips:
- Deeper Thinking with Timeline Project by Matt Miller
- Post-It Notes of Encouragement
Top Tenn Recommendation: We want you to come up with your own list of what you think professional development should be and then find a PD that offers those things. There are countless PD opportunities out there both virtually and in person and we are sure that you will find something that will tickle your fancy!
Mentioned in the Show:
- Professional Development Definition
- "OMG Becky. PD is Getting So Much Better!!" by Jennifer Gonzalez
- "Every Kid Needs a Champion" by Rita Pierson