#sideincome #sidehustle #payingapps #referralapps
What is up bambini! Happy Tuesday! This episode is a little all over the place but I do want to put you guys some legit ways to make money. I know I said I’ve made over $2000 but honest I think it’s more than that at this point, I have been unemployed for over a month going on 2 and this is how I have been able to come up with some income until I decided what I’ll be transitioning into next. I have worked in insurance for awhile and I’m kind of tired of it lol wish me all the best in my next journey and shout out to me and my families lmao I love you all so so much please keep spreading that good love and peace everyday you go, latch it on like it’s your purse! 🙏 take love and peace everywhere you go ♥️😊
Yes, I am doing alright but please help your unemployed sister out hehe 🙂
Here are all the links:
1. MyBambu : https://bambureferafriend.onelink.me/9Ina/7c579f47
2. Digit : https://digit.co/r/byW4zv17oP?ab
3. Found : https://get.found.app/refer
4. Albert : https://app.albrt.co/l4C6c7eKMkb
5. Acorn : https://share.acorns.com/jerryfekadu?advocate.partner_share_id=3975662327660863587
6. Rakuten : https://www.rakuten.com/r/FAITHI759?eeid=4497
7. Douugh : https://click.douugh.com/bS9S/5ce1a0e9
8. Times Club : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/times-club-rewards-cash/id1477331331
9. Streetbeat : https://streetbeat.com/referral?code=D608L74H
10. Blooom : https://www.blooom.com/r/fet0p9
11. Cash App : https://cash.app/app/BNGRWXM
12. Steady : https://steadyapp.onelink.me/ZBz4/4d9c6db8
13. Instacart : https://inst.cr/t/QU5vNWJuM25O
14. DoorDash : https://drd.sh/N3YC4UTmK3w9u6ow
15. BrandClub : https://brandclub.com/appshare?referralCode=71340e14-d74e-46e0-b24e-7cac00c724e6
16. Dave : https://dave.com/invite-a-friend/get-15-gift-15/f5c4c352
17. Solitaire Cube : https://games.skillz.com/game/1801?creative_id=referral_1801
18. Varo : https://varomoney.com/r/?r=Bitseat
19. Mint Mobil : http://fbuy.me/sSmHW
20. Chime : https://chime.com/r/bitseatwolde
21. Aspiration : https://my.aspiration.com/app/token/referral/6QGF3OZA1WNVHZO1
22. GoPuff: https://sign-in.gopuff.com/user-registration?coupon_code=GOYXQNEYGX&pos=US&gpat=0ofhP
23. UnderDog : ARIES1 is inviting you to play on Underdog. https://play.underdogfantasy.com/aries1
24. Slide : https://slide.app.link/3Q64RWZBMDUQL9B
25. Bumped : https://bumped.com/sign-up/?ref=33aee8f9
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