With this, we bring the more than 6 year run of TOROCast to an
explicit end. Have a listen as Mae, Miner and Road are joined by former
hosts Tom, Russell, Albie and Samm, as well as the gents of the Bad
Feeling Podcast, Brian and Chuck. But that's not all, so stay tuned as a
few more familiar folks lend their voices and thoughts to help bring
the show to its close. Warning: This episode is no-holds-barred.A last word from Road:With
this final episode published, I'd like to take one last chance to offer
my thanks to Samm and Tom for giving me the chance to run this show
over the last few years, all of my fellow hosts that have helped me
continue this show and grow as a podcaster, the Star Wars: The Old
Republic Fansite Community, and most importantly, the listeners that
have kept us going. Without each and every one of you, the number of
which I still find to be staggering, none of this could have been
possible, and I doubt I'd have figured out on my own just how much I
enjoy spouting nonsense into a mic, whether or not anyone was on the
other side. While the experience as a whole has had its own ups and
downs, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, unless, of course,
access to the Force was an option. But, with all that said, may the
Force be with you, and for one last time, that's it!