Are you thirsty for prayer? When we come to God in prayer, we create a place where the Holy Spirit is welcome. God responds to asking, and prayer is the place we ask God to pour His Spirit upon our thirsty hearts. Prayer increases our capacity to receive more of Him. Our primary motive of our prayer needs to be this: I want more of Jesus. In this podcast, I will also talk about the different kinds of prayers prayed by the early Christians in the Book of Acts. It’s time for us to partner with Him in prayer, first for personal revival, then for the revival of our family, church, region, and nation. As we cry out to God in prayer, let’s live in expectation of the revival God so desperately wants to send! Listen to this week’s podcast.
Trailblazer Mentoring Network:
Dr. Jamie Morgan’s books:
THIRSTY: A 31-Day Journey to Personal Revival can be purchased here:
Journey to Ministry: Discover Your Calling, Purpose, and Destiny, can be purchased here:
Her Calling: A Woman’s Guide to Fulfilling Her God-given Destiny can be purchased here:
Dr. Jamie Morgan’s website:
Dr. Jamie Morgan’s e-courses can be found here:
You can also connect with her on social media: