Alexandra Zatarain is here to change to world, and it can confidently be said that you will be using one of her products in the future.
So, what is this incredible product? To put it simply, it’s a smart bed that tracks sleep, body metrics, and body recovery with technology in real-time, to create the perfect environment for sleep through temperature regulation. As Alexandra will explain, temperature regulation during sleep is integral for us to get the best sleep possible.
I want you to reflect for a second: how seriously do you take your sleep? No, really, is it even in the top 3 of your priorities? Is it even top 5? Top 10?
You make time to work out; you make time to go to Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods; you buy products to make you look and feel young… yet all that doesn’t matter if you don’t consistently get your 8 hours of sleep.
Alexandra is creating the world’s first sleep fitness company to help you maximize your sleep and overall health.
How does an entrepreneur like her take on this monumental task of changing the world? Besides the usual standard answers like: “word hard,” “never give up,” “you can do it,” let’s take a quick trip to Tijuana, Mexico where she grew up.
Alexandra says that growing up in Tijuana fostered in her the attitude that anything is possible. The rampant corruption of her city made her see on a daily basis how resilient people are in the face of consistent blows and challenges. From a young age, she absorbed the attitude of making the best out of every situation, trying to figure things out, and to always find another way.
What is the future for Eight Sleep? I hope Alexandra is ok with me making a prediction. I see sports teams across the world buying Eight Sleep products so their million-dollar players perform at their peak. I see Eight Sleep being the official mattress at Olympic Village during the Olympics. And I see Sleep Eight creating the official sleeping bag for NASA for our astronauts.
No pressure, Alexandra… no pressure at all.
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