It seems that stress has become part of our lifestyle. Whether it is about work or relationships or illness or children…there is just no getting away from it. It affects everything we think, say, and do and even our health and physical well-being. What can we do about it?
Dave Balch has some ideas on the subject. He has experienced tremendous stress caring for his wife through four bouts of breast cancer since 2002. 2 rounds of chemotherapy and 6 surgeries, going with her to over 450 medical appointments and driving over 48,000 miles, as well as taking care of household chores like cooking, laundry, and cleaning been tough, especially while trying to earn a living on top of everything else.
He is using his experiences to help others and has written a best-selling book, given 100’s of presentations around the country, worked with Rosalyn Carter on a national caregiving initiative, been profiled in the Wall Street Journal, and served as a caregiving expert on WebMD. He also founded, the School of Hope and Empowerment.
Dave says that stress is often the result of feeling a lack of control; that there is nothing that you can do about difficult situations in your life. The truth is that there ARE specific things you can do to feel better, and once you learn them your difficulties are much easier to handle. Traditional stress techniques often don’t work. Why? Because we don’t do them! He has identified a technique that does work, though, which is easy, permanent, and only takes a few minutes a day.
In his previous life Dave ran a successful international home-based software business for over 20 years; he considers himself a “recovering programmer.” In his spare time (if he had any) Dave would enjoy motorcycles and total eclipses of the sun.