How Organisations Can Manage Work Related Road Risk: Interview with Robert Gifford, PACTS - Fleet Safety Podcast #2
An interview with Robert Gifford, Executive Director of the UK Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS) for the Fleet Safety podcast. PACTS is a registered charity and an associate Parliamentary Group. Its charitable objective is "To protect human life through the promotion of transport safety for the public benefit". Its aim is to advise and inform members of the House of Commons and of the House of Lords on air, rail and road safety issues.
Robert Gifford is a member of the Ministerial Road Safety Advisory Panel. Since 1997 he has acted as a special adviser on transport safety matters to the House of Commons Transport Select Committee. He sits on the Safety Advisory Board set up by the Rail Safety and Standards Board and on the National Steering Group of the Driver Offender Retraining Group. He is also an external research adviser for the Department for Transport on road and vehicle safety.
In the interview, Robert talks about the importance of work related road safety and offers advice for organisations in managing fleet risk and complying with legislation - with particular reference to the UK Corporate Manslaughter Act and recent mobile phone legislation.