I’d like to begin this episode by acknowledging the land that I am learning and living on is the traditional unceded, un-surrendered territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg People.
Our leadership journey is ours alone, but the path isn’t a straight line. In fact, your leadership journey will have high and low points. Your journey will have you questioning your abilities and pushing your self-confidence, and you know what? But also, your journey will be filled with moments of pride knowing you helped people, that you made a real, tangible difference in those you are lucky enough to lead.
And you know what, all of this is absolutely ok.
It’s your journey, and as long as you keep your mind open to learning and new possibilities, your path will take you exactly where you need to go.
In this episode, you’ll hear from Erin O’Toole, a former Member of Parliament for Durham, ON, former leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, and RCAF veteran, who will share his leadership journey, offering what he has seen and experienced during multiple career and leadership pivots. Erin will explain how his experiences have, and continue to, shape the kind of leader he is, and where he hopes his leadership journey will take him next.
Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front is humbled to have been named #7 in the Top 20 for Best Canadian Leadership-themed podcasts for 2023.
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Leadership Without Passion Limits the Depth of Your Vision.
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYnaqOp1UvqTJhATzcizowA
Trench Leadership Website: www.trenchleadership.ca
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/trench-leadership-a-podcast-from-the-front/?viewAsMember=true
Concussion Legacy Foundation Canada Website: https://www.concussionfoundation.ca
Are you looking for a podcast editor/producer? Do you enjoy the quality of the show? The editor of Trench Leadership, Jennifer Lee, is taking new clients. Reach out at https://www.itsalegitbusiness.com
I’m excited to share that Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front is partnering with The Critical Thinking Institute, offering affordable courses to help leaders unlock the limitless potential that critically thinking gives all of us.
Head on over to CTinstitute.com and check out their courses. When you find a course that speaks to you, and trust me, you will, use discount code trenchleadership for a 20% discount and begin unlocking your full critical thinking potential!