The Spring 2023 edition of TRENT Magazine features a very special Trent crossword puzzle created by Professor emeritus and crossword enthusiast David Poole. Professor Poole has published crosswords in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Chronicle of Higher Education, and many other publications. We recently caught up with him, via zoom, for a conversation about the creation of crosswords.
David joined Trent’s Mathematics Department in 1984, where he remained a member until his retirement in 2016. He served as department chair on three occasions, and from 2002-2007 he was associate dean of Arts and Science (Teaching & Learning). His dedication to high-quality teaching resulted in several teaching awards over the years, including Trent’s Symons Award for Excellence in Teaching, the University's top teaching award, as well as a 3M Teaching Fellowship, the country’s top university teaching award.