The Trike rides again as Thomas, Anthony, and I are joined by Chris "CFX" Flynn for more conversation about nothing. Within this show: "Accidental Racist" by Brad Paisley and LL Cool J is discussed, Thomas takes issue with how young girls dress these days, Anthony doesn't like that Tom Cruise gets top billing even though he's getting paid top billing money, they take the Biebs to task for his Anne Frank comments, I wonder if humping on the dance floor is the cool thing to do now, the Padres/Dodgers brawl is touched upon, Anthony shares tales of his trip to New Jersey for WrestleMania NY/NJ, my impending nuptials are announced, Thomas wants to join the PGA Tour and be average, and run-ins with the law are mentioned here and there. Anthony comes out of his shell and you don't want to miss that, so press play... please and thank you. #05: The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions (Guest: Chris "CFX" Flynn)