Hi Guys this is melvyn williams here of triumph pest control here we have a rat like before if anyone can give it a name let us know. Right today we are going to talk about how to get rid of rats in your attic. now remember if you are going in your attic and you are doing yourself most people and ourselves do mask glasses gloves and obviously be very careful attic spaces have a lot of insulations and your foot can go through and then your in trouble. What we can look at today is getting rid of rats in your attic so there are a number of ways to do this the first being is when we particularly go and do rats in an attic first place we are looking is on the outside of the house, it made sound silly but I always say rats don't fly in. So when we are looking around the outside of the house as I said in previous videos we looking for any holes any gaps looking at the drainage any other access points going under the shale if you look on our website its got that the shale being around all the earth if you have got any decking outside the house, going underneath that these are all places that we would be looking at first to see where they are coming in from, thats part of the long term solutions In the second third visit we do this.
Pest Control Bridgend, Pest Control Porthcawl.