Check fluid levels: oil and coolant levels.
For the pre trip, look for oil, fuel, coolant, power steering fluid leaks… leak is either a problem or a potential problem.
Make sure caps are tight for the rad, oil filler, power steering fluid and the dip stick is seated properly.
Observe at the engine block. Check for leaks, fluid running down the side of the engine. Look at the hoses. Check for wear, cracking or fraying. Inspect fan belts for proper tension and signs of wear.
Take a look at the engine fan. Make sure there are no pieces out of any of the blades.
Look for any exposed or bare wires, or wires which appear out of place. It doesnt hurt to just grab wires and hoses to to a small tug to make sure they dont pop off. Just dont yank on them like you are trying to pull them off.
Check windshield wiper fluid level.
Scan steering axle tires for uneven wear, nails, chunks, etc.
Take a look at the shock absorbers, ball joints and king pins for wear and proper lubrication.
Observe all tires on your rig as well as the trailer.
Visually inspect the airlines and electrical cord, to ensure they are properly connected
Visually check the 5th wheel to make sure it’s coupled to the trailer
Brake pads. Look for good thickness.
Brake adjustment indicators. Look for proper positioning.
Look over the entire unit thoroughly for body or structure damage.
Start the truck (if it isnt running)
Depress the clutch and start the engine. ( in neutral)
Observe gauges to be sure oil pressure is good and electrical system in charging
Gently ease the clutch out slowly and carefully, just in case there’s a problem (if you do this too quickly, you could launch yourself across the parking lot).
Do not high idle the truck right away. Let it idle normally.
Glance at the gauges again to ensure all is ok and air pressure is building.
Turn on all lights and flashers and exit the vehicle.
Do a visual of the motor, looking for leaks
Observe belts for proper tension and that they are turning properly
Close the hood and lock it down.
Circle check the vehicle again
Be certain all lights are working.
In the truck, use a piece of wood or find a way to depress the brake pedal, so the operation of the exterior lights can be checked
Listen for air leaks as you walk around the unit.
Remove the block of wood from the pedal, turn off lights not needed.