Welcome and thank you for joining me tonight on the Truth Rebel Podcast minute talk. I am your host Kimberly Wright aka Da Host Senna S8nt Red eye beast or halo crown, it depends who I am that day. I want to thank you for joining me today for our minute talk session where individuals or myself talk about personal topics that the are experiencing, rather it's good or bad. Some information consist of advice, poetry, raves, and rants, and more. No topic turns away everyone can vent and say what's on your mind, I just ask that you do not mention names, businesses, brands or religion. If you would like to share your topic or material of any sort on the truth rebel podcast please do so by emailing me your audio or written files to [email protected] I ask that your composed emails are no more than 500 words and your audio no more than 10 mins. Please, no sex, violence or spam recordings, please. With that being said I would like to welcome my newbies. So we have a letter today from Mya in Detroit. That's all I am going to mention. So her topic is friends with new females who do not believe in God. Here we go.
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