Picture this, you're in the shower singing your favorite song & *INSERT SPOTLIGHT* the best idea you ever had comes into your head, you think I'll remember that later! but the second you reach for the towel --- the thought is gone & you're right back into the grind of the to-do list. Sound familiar? Me too! BUT what if you were in a group setting, with other folks just like you, go-getters, dreamers -- & you were able to narrow in on those shower ideas, get creative & then take action? Sounds like fun, no?!
That's what I thought, this is the exact reason I brought Rachel Voelkle-Kuhlmann Founder of Joy Brick on the show for us. She's going to share her story of how one small yes to going to an event led her to get creative in her own life & how she now helps badass unstoppable people like you & me get real clear on the amazing shower ideas & actually put them into tangible action plans.