In a night of triumphant returns, this is a special episode of TNL with The Rap Pack. First, it marks the long awaited return of The Rap Pack queen bee, Weezy Jenkins! Who does not disappoint. If that weren’t enough, one of their uniquely favorite musicians - also with a penchant for the comically absurd - Kasey Foster, returns with her fabulous throwback ladies vocal trio, Babe-alon 5. Babe #1 (Kiley Moore), #2 (Kasey) and #3 (Tara Smith) thoroughly entertains, including but not limited to a discussion on the price one should pay for a bottle of cheap wine at age 40. In this episode, The Pack & The Babes dig deep into song crafting, Babe #3’s supreme love of mood boards, Pos’ equally intense love of pie (spawned by his late great Aunt Lucille). There's also extended mention of Jeopardy legend, Alex Trebek’s exquisite pronunciation of a particular french word. Finally, they proceed to make a neo-pop song about love/sex relationships, space travel and baked goods. It’s almost as delicious as Aunt Lucille’s coconut pie!