We all know that feeling of wanting something so, so desperately that we end up squeezing the life out of it. We've seen it a million times: the over-eager boyfriend or girlfriend who wants to get married after the first date, the colleague who wants the promotion yet fails time and again to those who see to work less hard at it...
Why is this? And how do we 'let go' just enough without becoming complacent? Surely commitment and focus are the very things that get us what we want??
At the heart of this question is a paradox: what we're calling 'the paradox of success'.
Tune in today to listen to Cathy and Maren discuss the relationship between ambition, attachment, and achievement. What are these things anyway and how do we learn to see through them to become the highest performer in all areas of our life and work?
Understanding how to dance with this is how you will achieve the most success, and how you'll love your life (and work) along the way.