The Book of Daniel continued - strangeness in today's news.
Hear all the latest breaking End Times News and updates. When you hear and see Bible prophecy matching the daily news headlines you know we are close to the Return off Jesus the Christ. Are you ready? Are you prepared? Are you Rapture Ready or will you be Left Behind?
How do you recognize the antichrist. What is the mark of the beast? Is it too late to prepare? What is the Day of Atonemeeent? The Shemetah? Feast of Trumpets? Why is September 13, Septembber 27, September 28, 2015 so important and significant?
Learn to discern the signs of the times, The End Times, daily at 5 on Tuning in with Betsy. Listen and learn. Better yet, Be still, listen, and know Who is God. He is in charge.