In this episode I talk about the TunnelCoder manifesto and the philosophy behind the upcoming tutorial series that is currently in progress. 👇👇👇👇
TunnelCoders use their knowledge for the greater good.
TunnelCoders refuse to use traditional code tutorials.
TunnelCoders will not be told they need to be a math genius to code.
TunnelCoders know that they won’t need to create a linked list or binary tree to solve real problems coding, so they don’t bother.
TunnelCoders don't code toy apps.
TunnelCoders will not be beat. They may have once given up on learning to code, but they will not let this stop them.
TunnelCoders have the kind of determination that gets them to the destination.
TunnelCoders go underground. They get underneath all the over engineered structures around them. They have defined vision, a destination and they have grit.
TunnelCoders might be mining something, or they might be escaping something, but they won't apologize for their main objective.
TunnelCoders will always light the ends.