Whatever you are going through, whatever comes up… that is your GOLD. It's there, waiting for you to alchemize it. This is your medicine.
This powerful episode features Angela Economakis, a cacao shaman from The Luminaries Academy in Cyprus. Angela, Ginger and Kat are all drinking cacao during this recording, so it's a deeply dropped-in and heart opening conversation between these ladies. Angela shares how she evolved from being a medical doctor to doing her own deeply healing work with cacao that paved the way for her to hold space for others to do their work.
Her passion is in working with the unconscious mind to address the social programming we aren't aware of. The conversation delves into beliefs, judgements, labels, archetypes and consciousnesses. By uncovering and working through this programming, she's found fun, freedom, joy, and love. She gently helps others do the same. Ginger shares about some sessions she's had with Angela while she was visiting Grass Valley so we can hear how gentle yet paradigm shifting a session can be (transcending the "mental masturbation" that often happens if we loop through talk therapy rather than dropping into the wisdom of our bodies and emotions. What are we holding onto?). Kat shares about her journey of releasing the victim identity she had from a young age.
An intense heart connection brought Angela to Grass Valley, so the conversation turns to talk of love and relationship. The bravery, depth, honesty and willingness to see and be seen in relationship with someone who will call you out on your shit and hold space for you to move through it. It's very different to face your own shadow side in relationship... so many layers get peeled back and you continue to work through and let go of story.
Here are links to some sources mentioned in this episode: Keith Wilson, "The Chocolate Shaman" in Guatemala is Angela's cacao teacher
Bruce Lipton for his work on emotions and beliefs
Magdalena Curtis :: Radical Embodiment womb wisdom embodiment work with women
Access to Power book
Oscar Pérez for his work with men, grief, processing and initiation; includes his blog posts
Byron Katie: do you know how I know you don't really want that? because you don't have it
Oscar Pérez public Facebook profile
Angela Economakis public Facebook profile