This week on TGHB, we're shifting from our typical light-hearted content to discuss a movie that sheds some light on the darkest parts of womanhood: Promising Young Woman. We're covering sexual assault, depictions of sexual assault and abuse in mainstream media, female trauma, "nice" guys, and a hell of a lot more. Cait shares her perspective as a survivor of sexual assault, and Annie recounts how she processed her best friend's trauma. A lot of what we're covering in today's episode can be triggering whether you've experienced sexual assault first hand or not, so please consider your own well-being when you decide whether or not you're going to tune in to this week's episode. While we know these kinds of conversations are really fucking hard, it's important that we have them. We hope you'll listen if you can. To keep up-to-date on all things #TGHB, follow us on Instagram @twogirlshalfabrain. If you wanna hit us up, feel free to slide into those DMs or email us at [email protected]