It’s been a few months, but we are back! For loyal “Two Ladies in the Kingdom” podcast listeners, Emma and I are expanding our format. Previously our podcasts were with Emma Thomas and myself Skyping together to discuss the latest in what’s happening with ourselves, and what’s happening in Female Muay Thai in Thailand. We are still going to be doing this kind of cast together, but we are also adding solo podcasts too; so you can get to know each of us better. This is my first solo cast, and it happens to have been a Facebook Live Stream from the road. Emma will be uploading her own cast soon as well! We are just experimenting with this, but it will allow us to cover a wider range of topics, or to get into more detail in the things that interest us. I’m excited to see what Emma will talk about, as we lead very different lives here in Thailand and Emma can cover more of her experience as a full time teacher and an ex-pat in Bangkok.
Subscribe to our 2ITK podcasts on iTunes
Because mine was a Live Stream there is a YouTube copy of the video, above.
Things covered in my solocast:
Podcast notes
Getting caught up with me.
* 4 fights in 2 weeks.
* Happy with my performance, beat the WPMF World Champion two weight classes above me (WPMF 108 lb), a belt she’s held for more or less 4 years.
* My history with Thanonchanok, my 3rd fight against her.
* Corrected my mistakes against Thanonchanok from our 2nd fight.
* In this fight why I didn’t clinch in the 1st two rounds against Thanonchanok.
* I’m working on being more relaxed under pressure.
* The Thanonchanok fight was a “proof of progress” fight.
* I also fought and beat a 54 kg opponent, who I had beat the week before. This meant that I was forced to make adjustments, because they adjusted me.
Staying out of the range of danger (middle range) when coming coming into clinch against crisp strikers.
The young phenom Phetlilaa Pettonpung, how I go to their gym to train with them and help her in clinch. What it’s like to have a relationship with the gym you face.
Mental training, and my brother who is a Sports Psychologist – overcoming the sense of ring rust and a switch of opponents, fighting with lasting injuries.
How have you learned to deal with pain in all your fights and training?
Traveling to have my mongkol be reblessed by Arjan Bangkating. Talking about my custom made mongkol, made from my mother’s shirt.
Working on Tiger Energy.
Smiling in the ring, part of a new fight energy for me.
Talking about Namkabuan, and my private session with him for my patreon supporters, the most complete fighters I’ve seen.
The hop-in and the low-kick counters I’ve faced, an issue with my back foot.
Recommendations for female fighters to watch for inspiration. Chommannee, Loma, Iman Barlow,