Welcome to Two Watchmen and a Lady, a Watchmen podcast by Dweeb the People.com. If you like this podcast, then share it with your friends! You can also find us on twitter, facebook and Instagram @DweebthePeople, you can find steven on twitter @DweebSteven, you can find Randy on twitter @CasualChinos and you can find Dee on Twitter @DweebDeePants. Another way you can show us you care is by giving us a high rating wherever you get your podcasts.
Dee - Lady Triue’s parents, Ozzy’s sendoff and fashion, Squid sleet
Randy - Ozzy and Lady Triue, the end, Lube man
Steven - Dr. Manhattan gets his “moment”, Cyclops
Dee - Lady triue killing racists
Randy - Cal dying and going through emotions - WINNER
Steven - Senator Keene’s Manties
Dee - Moo-moo shootout - WINNER
Steven - American Hero Story - WINNER
Randy - Giant Blue Vibrator - WINNER
Randy - Lube Man - WINNER
Randy - Squid event - WINNER
Steven - Reinvented grocery store scene - WINNER
Randy - Angela murdering husband - WINNER
Steven - The incident - WINNER
Randy - Cal dying and going through emotions - WINNER - WINNER
Dee - 3rd season of marvelous misses mazel,
Randy - six underground, Mr. Robot
Steven - continuing to read the boys comic book