Spacetime. I am saying that GOD is not time but the creation is about time.
I watch today about the black holes where the researchers are lost as they can not YET reach in to the inner of a black hole as it is so much hard forces inside it and any object of today should crash inside the hole.
But it is simple said a quicksand, the hole have sucked in everything what have going on from the start of the universe.
I have got a button or chip from the aliens that make me get better in contact with them and they made me understand the vision of that woman who came forward for many years ago and said to me " seek who I am "
She had like a dark blue hole that looked like a germ in her forehead but I felt that hole wanted me to fly in there and I did and behind that hole was it a very calm quite space where nothing existed more than my own energy who had brought me there.
The science is saying it is the fourth dimension as the time curves inside that hole.
It is about time and they told me today like I have said before in many years that inside that hole is everything that have been in the past like stored up and if we could fly in to a black hole we should get all the knowledge from the start of time until today and that is what GOD is talking about ... after we have left the earth we who am chosen will have this archive to take from and enjoy.
The black hole is our future library because we do not have our body with us that limit us but flying in the spirit we can fly in to those black holes and even stop and fly in what ever time we want to be in for awhile... it is like a time-machine and we can like an Paguridae chose a body to be in for the visit in time.