The Light Gate: ABOUT THE GUESTS: Scott & Suzanne Ramsey & Frank Thayer PhD are the leading researchers of the UFO crash of Aztec, New Mexico Discussion: UFOs and the crash at Aztec Episode 59 June 3, 2024 Scott Ramsey first became aware of the Aztec Flying Saucer Story back in 1988 on a business trip to Farmington, New Mexico. Upon returning home to North Carolina he began digging into the story to see if there was anything to the claim. On a return trip to the Four Corners area in 1989 he visited what the locals referred to be the crash/landing site. He found that the deeper he dug into the story, the more there seemed to be truth to the claim. Suzanne was introduced to the Aztec Flying Saucer story as a child in South Dakota. It was her mother who while reading Frank Scully’s book, Behind the Flying Saucers, shared the story with the family around the dinner table. Years later Suzanne was reintroduced to the topic when Scott Ramsey, a researcher of the Aztec Flying Saucer, was a guest on her news talk radio show and again when she was assisting as a translator with a Japanese film crew filming Scott’s research. Shortly after this Scott and Suzanne married and reside in North Carolina. Suzanne an entrepreneur, writer, artist, researcher, and interviewer has enjoyed her background in communications/public relations in working on this incredible story with Scott. She is President of Carolina Country Provisions/Uncle Scott’s All Natural Root Beer and farms with organic practices on the Ramsey Farm and Produce. The Ramsey’s have been on more than 175 radio/blog shows. Their work has been shown on the History Channel, Telemundo (Mexico), CBS Australia, Japan’s 60 Minutes as well as German and Finnish Television. Frank Thayer, Ph.D. was born and raised in New Mexico. He is a writer, editor, photographer, and educator, both in New Mexico and in Canada, where he worked for 11 years. Teaming up with the Ramseys, he was co-author for two major books on the Aztec flying saucer incident. He became dedicated to Aztec research after first meeting the Ramseys in 2006. Thayer earned all three of his degrees at New Mexico State University and is now Professor Emeritus at the university where he also served as journalism department head from 2002-2008. In addition to the Aztec books, he has authored six other books since 2011, both non-fiction and fiction.