Welcome to ArcPoint Forensics' monthly podcast Unallocated Space. I am your host Amy Moles and co-host Jared Ringenberg. In this podcast, we host DFIR industry experts who tell us how they journeyed into the space, the current challenges they face, and what's next! Today, Jamie Levy joins us to discuss her journey into #DFIR, the valuable work she performs in #MemoryForensics, and how to find balance in day-to-day routines & rituals. Jamie Levy is a senior researcher and developer of the Volatility Framework. She is also the director of R&D at Huntress. Before this, Jamie was Director of EDRContent at Tanium, where she helped build out DFIR content for the Threat Responsemodule and various other security and DFIR-related R&Defforts. She has worked on multiple R&D projects and forensic cases while previously working at Guidance Software, Inc, Verizon Terremark, and SecureWorks. Jamie has taught Computer Forensics and Computer Science classes at Queens College(CUNY) and John Jay College (CUNY). She has a Masters in Forensic Computing from John Jay College and is an avid contributor to the open-source ComputerForensics community. Jamie has authored peer-reviewed conference publications and presented at conferences(OMFW, CEIC, IEEE ICC, EnFuse, ACSAC, NYBA, OSDFCon) on memory, network, and malware analysis. Jamie is a well-respected member of the DFIR community, sits on the board of directors for the Volatility Foundation, and has served on the program committee for such conferences as DFRWS, BSidesNYC, and IWCMC Security Conference (among others). Jamie is also a trainer on Digital Forensics and Incident Response, as well as Memory Forensics.