I in part do this pod case and other means of social media and have, as a means of self protection. I’m text when this whole mess began in 2011 I knew I needed to document it at the expense of my reputation in order to survive it. That’s how deep it went. And calling attention to the fact I’d documented what had been going on, led to my being set free from a gate my attorney 95% of people INVARIABLY, do not escape. Because when you’re a liability to the government? They will pay state employee big bucks to white wash me/ and they have done EVERYTHING short of having those jeans be effective. If they had been I would’ve long ago been falsely incarcerated or dead. As evidenced fact. What happened to me happens and is happening to millions of Americans who are termed as liabilities to the federal government and state. When there is an unwarranted investigation when all your rights are violated, they will do anything not to assume liability by way of entrapment. But when the first second third four do not work out AMD more officials become involved over the past nine years, the more of a liability I became and am. It’s just what IS