The Main Idea: God is leading us into Christ-likeness in the context of his body, the church.
*The Big Question: Why is the church SANCTIFICATION’S PRIMARY context?
*The Central Point: Because SANCTIFICATION is not merely a “me” thing, but a “we” thing:
1.) IT STARTS IN YOUR MIND (v. 3) – (Application: In order to be Christ-like, seek God for SOBER JUDGMENT about your role in his body, the church.)
2.) IT MOVES ON TO THE BODY (vv. 4-5) – (Application: In order to be Christ-like and have sober judgment, think schematically about how GOD ENVISIONS his body, the church.)
3.) IT POINTS US TO SERVING (vv. 6-8) – (Application: In order to be Christ-like think strategically how you can SERVE and BUILD UP others in his body, the church.)