We hope you enjoy this special pop-up podcast episode. Gregory Nesmith, Founder of UNderdogstuff, recently started producing the first-ever Bridges to Wealth (B2W) podcast. B2W EPISODE: B2W livestream podcast Episode 5 was originally recorded live virtually as a B2W Facebook Live. This episode was hosted by Gregory, Aliah, Justin, and Siani. Our special guest Nichole Renee, M.Ed., joined us to talk about how 12th graders can handle their senior year and still plan for college during a pandemic. Nichole is an author, College & Career Counselor, College Planning Specialist, and Founder & CEO at NicholeReneeEnterprises.com. Every episode of the B2W livestream podcast explores how first-time entrepreneurs and investors in Philly navigate business ownership, financial literacy, and education. Bridges To Wealth is a non-profit organization based at the University of Pennsylvania and on a mission to close the wealth gap in Philly through education and opportunity. The show is hosted by Gregory Nesmith, Community Relations Director & Entrepreneurship Mentor at Bridges To Wealth, Philly native, and soon to be Wharton School alum. The show is co-hosted/produced by Aliah Harris, Kayla Daniels Redden, Siani Ross (B2W Bridges To Entrepreneurship Program students and 12th graders at Paul Robeson High School), and Justin Glover (B2W mentor and Wharton undergrad student). You can find out more information about B2W at www.Bridges2Wealth.org. UPDATE: New episodes of the UNderdogstuff live show and podcast are coming back soon! www.UNderdogstuff.com.