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By Shane Pokroy
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The podcast currently has 90 episodes available.
Alissa Jerud, PhD. is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology in the department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. Part of Alissa’s work centers around understanding the art and science of emotions. She specializes in working with evidence-based treatments to help with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), social anxiety, panic, phobias, generalized anxieties, and using Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) skills training for those who have difficulties managing their emotions.
In this episode, Shane and Alissa discuss a variety of topics relating to emotions, including what they are, their evolutionary origins and adaptive functions, how they influence our mental processes, their regulation mechanisms, and learning to ride the wave of emotional experiences. They also discuss the process of learning to accept, regulate, and tolerate emotions as a method of learning to have a healthy relationship with one’s emotions.
Check out Alissa’s podcast: The Anxiety Savvy Podcast
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Produced by: Jason Shapiro
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Disclaimer: The information and materials offered on this site, or in any messaging correspondence originating from this site, are intended for educational purposes only. This information is not meant to be a substitute or to replace psychological or professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any kind. Nothing on this site should be considered as practice of psychological or medical care and is not meant to provide professional advice or a psychological service of any kind. If you are seeking advice about your psychological well-being mental health, or general physical health, please seek the care of a regulated healthcare professional without delay. Your decision to use any of the information or materials provided on this site acknowledges your acceptance of these terms, and the use of information and material contained within is solely at your own risk.
Dr. Stan Steindl is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice at Psychology Consultants Pty Ltd and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. He is also co-director of the UQ Compassionate Mind Research Group.
Stan’s research interests are in the areas of motivation, behaviour change, compassion and compassion-based interventions, and especially the role of cultivating compassion and self-compassion in the context of trauma, shame, self-criticism and clinical disorders, as well as promoting psychological well-being.
In this episode, Stan and Shane discuss how Compassion-Focused Therapy conceptualizes and works with anxiety and depression. The discussion begins with an overview of the central theory and tenets of CFT and then progresses to a conversation about the three emotional regulation systems.
If there is an imbalance between these three emotional regulation systems, mental distress and suffering can arise. People who are highly self-critical and self-shaming may not have had enough stimulation of the soothing system or too much activation of the threat system. This imbalance may lead people to find it difficult to feel and express kindness towards themselves. They may be highly sensitive to criticism or rejection, whether real or perceived and internalize that disapproval. The goal of CFT is to correct this imbalance in the emotion regulation systems.
Check Out Stan’s YouTube Channel
Get a copy of Stan’s latest book, The Gifts of Compassion: How to Understand and Overcome
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Produced by: Jason Shapiro
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Elise Micheals is trauma-informed executive coach focused on men’s mental health. Her coaching program is designed to help men gain clarity on their subconscious blocks to heal trauma and create better lives, businesses, and relationships. “With the combination of Trauma therapy, REBT, CBT, Relationship Science, and Neuroscience, I've created easy-to-follow actionable steps that allow you to understand, and heal, quicker.”
In this episode, Shane and Elise discuss why so many men struggle with mental health, the internal and external roadblocks they face in trying to get help, and some ways we can work to improve these areas. They discuss common cycles of shame, suffering in isolation, being silenced and ignored by society, difficulties when opening up to their partners, the conflict of vulnerability and emotional intelligence.
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Produced by: Jason Shapiro
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Disclaimer: The information and materials offered on this site, or in any messaging correspondence originating from this site, are intended for educational purposes only. This information is not meant to be a substitute or to replace psychological or professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any kind. Nothing on this site should be considered as practice of psychological or medical care and is not meant to provide professional advice or a psychological service of any kind. If you are seeking advice about your psychological well-being mental health, or general physical health, please seek the care of a regulated healthcare professional without delay. Your decision to use any of the information or materials provided on this site acknowledges your acceptance of these terms, and the use of information and material contained within is solely at your own risk.
Prudence Leung is a psychotherapist and online content creator based in Ontario, Canada. She uses her platforms to educate on a variety of psychological concepts including relationship dynamics, stress, anxiety, trauma, depression, and more.
In this episode, we discuss Prudence’s journey of becoming a content creator, including what she has learned, challenges she has faced, and the types of people she interacts with online. We also discuss the current state of mental health and how social media has the power to influence our mental health and psychological care. Furthermore, we discuss the personality profiles of people who leave hateful comments and what they are really trying to communicate to the world.
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Produced by: Jason Shapiro
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Disclaimer: The information and materials offered on this site, or in any messaging correspondence originating from this site, are intended for educational purposes only. This information is not meant to be a substitute or to replace psychological or professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any kind. Nothing on this site should be considered as practice of psychological or medical care and is not meant to provide professional advice or a psychological service of any kind. If you are seeking advice about your psychological well-being mental health, or general physical health, please seek the care of a regulated healthcare professional without delay. Your decision to use any of the information or materials provided on this site acknowledges your acceptance of these terms, and the use of information and material contained within is solely at your own risk.
Avigail Gimpel is an Author, Researcher, Special Educator, Coach and Founder of Hyper Healing - a program dedicated to helping children and adults with ADHD symptoms.
“Reversing ADHD symptoms became my personal mission. I have dedicated the last twenty plus years to research, development, and implementation of programs for children, adults, and couples struggling with ADHD symptoms. My major discovery was that ADHD symptoms have many different causes, and once we identify the cause of ADHD symptoms, we would be well on our way to reversing them. The program worked! My children, students, and clients were rocking it.”
“I became passionate about helping every person diagnosed with ADHD identify the causes of their symptoms and choose their personal productivity plan for success. I strongly believe that healing ADHD symptoms should not cost you your life savings. Therefore, my full program is now accessible to anyone looking for guidance through my Best-Selling HyperHealing book series.”
“You, your story, and your lived experience in every detail are important to me, and my understanding of your challenges. Since ADHD symptoms can be triggered by so many factors including a clash between your healthy personality and your environment, trauma, gut dysbiosis, sleep disturbances, lack of exercise and outdoor exposure, and screen addiction, to name a few, we must identify WHY you are struggling and then carefully craft an intervention plan for you. We will succeed and learn together, one healing intervention at a time.”
Get the Books:
HyperHealing, The Empowered Parent's Complete Guide to Raising a Healthy Child with ADHD symptoms:
HyperHealing - Show me the science:
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Maddie Thompson is the Founder of the Mad Social Agency. Maddie’s entrepreneurial roots stem back to high school where she piloted her first business, Social Clothing. Mad Social Agency is a social media marketing agency that specializes in social media management for businesses and personal brands.
Founded during Covid-19 in 2020 as a side hustle, Mad Social Agency (previously Spark Media) quickly grew as many realized that having a social media presence is of importance for marketing. Now, Mad Social Agency has grown to six part-time employees and has managed over 70+ social media accounts.
In this episode, Maddie and Shane discuss the ins and outs of entrepreneurship and the world of social media marketing. Maddie walks us through her journey of becoming an entrepreneur from 13 to becoming the founder of a successful digital agency. We also discuss some tips, tricks and insights that benefit small businesses regarding social media marketing and the crazy world of social media and its impact on us.
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Produced by: Jason Shapiro
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Dr. Joli Hamilton is a Relationship Coach, TEDx Speaker, Jealousy Expert, Research Psychologist, Professor, Author, and Podcast Host. The Relationship Coach for Couples Who Color Outside the Lines! Joli helps people experience the freedom, deep security, and sexual fulfillment that comes when they shift from plain-old monogamy to MORE. More WHAT exactly? Polyamory, ethical nonmonogamy, creative monogamy- Joli guides you out of the standard script and into the life you were meant to have!
“Your relationship can be both open and secure. It is possible. I help people do it Action-takers can have this life. Intentionally designed love, whether it is creatively monogamous or consensually non-monogamous, doesn't mean sacrificing stability or depth of connection. But the rules you learned about love won't get you where you want to go.
You need a masterful coach to guide you. This is your most profound connection- you don't want to risk losing it just to get laid- you're an adult. But you also don't want a walking-dead life just because someone else said buttoned-up was the only way to do love. It's time to flip over tables and toss the rule books. My signature process gives you the skills you need to take full creative power over your love life!”
In this episode, Joli and Shane discuss her work and studies on polyamory - the practice of having more than one romantic or sexual partner. What exactly does polyamory entail? Who is polyamorous? What are some of the major challenges? What are the benefits? What about jealousy? Is polyamory a pathway to individuation? These are just a few of the topics up for discussion in this episode.
Check out Joli’s Podcast Playing With Fire: Non-Monogamy & Individuation:
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Cody Byrns is an award-winning speaker and performer with over 16 years of professional experience. Cody’s life underwent a major shift in 2013 after a horrific traffic accident left his body burned and scarred. After years of countless surgeries, and innumerable physical and emotional hurdles, Cody has since founded his own nonprofit Burn Foundation, and is on a mission to spread his story of inspiration, hope, and recovery to everyone he meets.
Cody does not let his scars dictate his identity. He encourages a life of freedom, and wants to help people live free from the bonds of scars
“The good you tend to forget as time goes on, but the challenges and triggers linger around longer than we care to admit. Life presents many challenges that are either a result of your own, or someone else’s doing. But your character is only built inside of your ability to embrace challenges. There’s no way around… only through. Through these experiences, you are tested physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They reveal to you who you truly are at your core and speak to the areas in which you need self-improvement. But you have to be open, to “listen” for the lesson. Let me show you how to rise above challenges and use them as a launching pad to achieve your vision, to move past your perceived limitations. It is time. Be prepared to transform your life.” - Cody
Get a copy of Scar Release: Breaking Free of Yesterday’s Troubles
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John David Latta is a mystic, author, teacher, humorist, story-teller and founder & CEO of a multimillion-dollar consumer products company.
Terrified and stalked by an oppressive fear of death, John David Latta was a single dad with two children facing rock bottom, loneliness and bankruptcy. Hard work, arguments and logic were getting him nowhere, the competition was tough, and he was in over his head.
In his new book, The Synchronicity of Love, John shares his extraordinary stories of what happened when, while at rock bottom, he threw himself into Unconditional Love with sincerity and earnestness. His stories about his journey inspire, uplift, heal, shock, awaken and transform. They contain the seeds of potential to change habits, beliefs and one’s deepest assumptions about what is possible and have the power to radically transform anyone’s life.
John is sharing his very personal stories about his journey and of the supreme value in embracing deep and lasting personal transformation – in love, in business, in money, in relationships, in health and so much more. And John is sharing his message that even the most stuck, rigid and logical people can transform in unimaginable ways.
Get a copy of John’s Book, The Synchronicity of Love:
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Produced by: Jason Shapiro
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The podcast currently has 90 episodes available.