One week is dark the next is full of light. Holding on to the light is impossible but growing brighter due to the darkness is what is important.
It's time to be you. Unapologetically you. The kind that just doesn't give a f@ck.
Hello beYOUtiful, You are enough, you are worthy, you are valued and you are so loved.
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UNFCK URSLF & beYOUtiful is a self-improvement podcast, with Alexis Magdeline, about living authentically and getting out of your own head. Changing the world does not require some grand gesture. We can simply start with changing the way we perceive it, starting with how we perceive ourselves. Learn to UNFCK URSLF and be the unapologetic beauty you were created to be. Learn to stop saying sorry when you mean "Excuse me I am growing here". Learn to stop giving a fu(k with kindness and how to shine the light within.
The affirmation I was talking about in the episode :