Welcome and aloha from Hawaii.
Episodes 2 through 5 in this series exploring the unfolding of our new humanity introduce a new, simple way of liberating us from pain and suffering by awakening and embodying our one Divine nature in our unique individuality. This new way of relinquishing the pain and suffering inherent in our experience of separation from each other, the Earth and all that is, and unfolding our true nature was revealed to me by spirit over twenty years ago, specifically for this transformative time in human consciousness. Since then, through contemplation, meditation, the embrace of inner wounds triggered by life’s challenges, gifts and beauty, I have begun unwrapping, embodying and sharing this simple way of unfolding and living who we are. By summarizing this new way of awakening and embodying our Divine nature in mind, heart and body, episodes 2 - 5 provide the necessary understanding for the subsequent more playful and experiential episodes which will facilitate your individual journey out of the suffering of separation into the peace, wisdom, unconditional love and health of our essential nature. They will facilitate your unique, individual embodiment of our one Divine nature on our greater body, the Earth. So it will help you to listen to episodes 2 – 5, as well as each subsequent episode, in sequence. This episode, 2 Unfolding Our New Humanity – Invitation, introduces this new way of unfolding our true nature and, thereby, liberating ourselves from pain and suffering. It describes how this way was given to me, summarizes its simplicity, and concludes with a short guided meditation designed to allow you an experience of this new way of awakening and embodying our Divine nature. This unique way of liberating ourselves from mental, emotional and, ultimately, physical pain by awakening into and embodying our essential Being, in mind, heart and body, is explored in-depth in my new book – Unfolding Our New Humanity, Amazon.
May you enjoy this episode.
From my heart to yours – one heart, Sukie