Most union administration know about Davis-Bacon prevailing wage jobs, but many workers don't. The idea of being paid a fair wage for a fair day's work is something workers often take for granted. The good contractors do it right and comply with the law, but there are others who don't. Workers don't always know about the potential for wage theft from unscrupulous non-union contractors who classify jobs incorrectly and pocket the difference. They often don't know they may be being taken advantage of, and even if they do, they don't know what to do about it. Some fear retribution or losing their job, or not being rehired when that job is finished. The Union Up podcasts welcomes Chris Carr, Compliance Manager for the Georgia Foundation for Fair Contracting, and Jarrett Wade, Organizer for the United Association of Plumbers, Pipefitters, and HVACR Technicians to talk about Davis-Bacon, educating workers on their rights to fair pay, and how to hold unscrupulous contractors accountable.