Leddy Hammock
Inspired by lyrics, “Share the Dream of Peace” by Sue Riley, David Roth, & Jana Stanfield:
“My skin may be a diff’rent shade, my language not the same. I pray in different places, I call God by different names. My clothing may not be like yours, might stand out in a crowd. But in universal Spirit, there are diff’rences allowed.
We have the precious present and our presence holds the key to a world that is more loving, as we share the dream of peace.
My arms embrace my children. I fall in love, I cry. I marvel at the sunset as another day goes by. But halfway ‘round the world, I know, your rain brings rainbows, too. Though we might seem so different, I am just the same as you.
Imagining the future, remembering the past. Together we can co-create a vision that will last.