On today’s show, we field different questions from our listeners on a wide range of topics like culture, conflict, and communication. Kendra Lane, an eThree client with the same passion for people, joins us today to act as host.
Here are just some of the questions we’ll tackle on today’s episode:
How do you know it’s time to fire an employee?
This is a common issue that most organizations will grapple with at one time or another. You’ll learn the two red flags that indicate you need to let go of an employee. We also reveal how you can give negative feedback in an engaging manner, allowing you to take course-corrective action early on if required.
How can you build a coaching culture in an organization?
How can you foster a progressive coaching culture within your organization while equipping your employees with the necessary tools that they need to succeed?
How can I get my new leadership team to gel and perform quickly?
If you’re struggling to onboard your new leadership team, or struggling to resolve organizational fit issues that are stalling progress, this segment is for you. Jess shares her experience and wisdom on conflict management, communication, and organizational change. You’ll learn how you can galvanize your team to have productive disagreements, fast-tracking your organization’s growth.
What You Will Learn In This Show:
- The two primary causes for employee non-performance.
- How to deal with job-fit and organizational-fit issues.
- How to provide negative feedback in an engaging manner.
- Methods for creating a shared understanding within your organization.
- And so much more…