Hey there, it's the end of the week and you know what that means. A brand new episode of Unsigned WA is what!
Firstly, we hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy. It's crazy times at the moment, and we all need to look after each other. Whether you're still at work, working from home, in isolation or somewhere in between we need to check in on family and friends and make sure they're doing ok. Be good to each other and stop panic buying, it's doing no-one any favours!
With that said let's get into the music. We've got some good'ns in this one by the likes of:
* From Here On In* The Snitcherz* Sgt. Hulka* The Western Suntones* Hieronymus FTP* Tony Carey* Rifkysetya* Kurtis Taylor
Note: Just to clarify the mention of Bandcamp's offer of waiving the revenue share in this episode. This was specifically for sales on Friday, 20th of March 2020.